Monday, December 12, 2011

Signs of the Week - Christmas Signs

Since we are less than TWO WEEKS away from Christmas, I thought I would share one of Laura's newest videos starring her daughter Fireese and her son Hartford!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful Holiday & Christmas season!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Sign of the Week - "Snow"

I know we don't get much snow down here in Phoenix - but this is a fun and easy sign to learn. It has been pretty "cold" for us Phoenicians, but we'll still have to drive up north to see any of the white stuff. :)

Monday, November 28, 2011

Sign of the Week - "Finished"

Since last week's sign was "Eat"...I thought the perfect follow up sign would be "Finished".

I taught this sign to my kiddos to let me know when they were all done eating. And I actually used the words "All Done" rather than 'finished' - it just seemed easier to understand. But just to clarify, this is the ASL sign for 'Finished'.

Just like we Eat every day, we also 'Finish' eating - so this is another word/sign that you can use with your children multiple times a day - at regular meal times, and snack times. You can also use it during play time - when you are wrapping up an activity, or you've just finished picking up all the toys.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Sign of the Week - "Eat"

Getting back to an Everyday Sign again this week.

We all eat several times a day - so this is a really great sign to teach your child, because you will use it multiple times each and every day. Repetition is key when learning any new skill, and the same goes for signing.

Before you are getting ready to feed your child, ask them if they would like to "Eat" and also make the sign. Remember to always SAY the word as well as SIGN the word. We are encouraging our children to speak, so we definitely want to make sure they are also hearing the word being spoken.

After you sit them down for a meal or a snack, say "Okay, it's time to eat" (again say and sign the word).

Some time during the meal, say "We are eating!" (say & sign).

In just one meal/snack time they will have heard the work being spoken, and will have seen the sign being made, at least THREE times.

Happy Signing!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Sign of the Week - "Sing"

Kids sure love to sing don't they?

My kids have all loved to sing from the time they were very little. Whether it's a favorite song on the radio, a song from a cartoon they like, or their favorite - songs they make up themselves!!

As my youngest child, AJ, who is almost 2 year old - has started to find his voice, making up his own little songs. One of his favorite ones that he started singing this summer was a tune that goes "Ooooo Day Toooooo" (we think it might be his own version of happy birthday to you - but don't really know for sure...haha!)

Today's sign is SING

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Sign of the Week - "Cold"

Cold temperatures have FINALLY hit Arizona (which for us means highs in the 60's - ha)! It seemed like the hot weather was never going to end, and then this week BAM! I had to bring down the tubs of winter clothes from my children's closet!

So I thought this would be the perfect week to introduce the sign for "Cold".

It's just like you are shivering!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Signs of the Week - Halloween Signs!

Happy Halloween Everyone!!

Halloween has always been extra special to me because it's also my Grandma's Birthday!! She is 78 today! (Happy Birthday Nana - Love you!)

My Smart Hands - Phoenix wishes your family a safe and happy Halloween! Here are a bunch of Halloween-themed signs to teach your kiddos!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Sign of the Week - "More"

This week I thought I would get back to more of an Everyday sign.

I used this sign with my kids mostly at the dinner table during meals. I would give them a bite of their food, and then ask if they wanted "More" of that food (ex: More Carrots, More Cereal).

This is a sign that you will want watch for 'sign approximations'. These are your child's early attempts at making the sign, but they aren't quite the exact sign. With the sign for 'more', your child may clap their hands together, or make a sign that looks more like 'shoes'. So, just make sure as your child starts becoming more aware of the signs, and you know they are attempting them, that you are watching their movements more closely. What you thought was just clapping, may actually be signing! ;)

Monday, October 3, 2011

Sign of the Week - "Mountain"

We just got back from a mini-vacation to northern New Mexico and southern Colorado to visit my husband's friends and family. This was the first time that they met our youngest child, AJ. Our elementary school children had Thursday and Friday off from school, so we took a long weekend and made the trip.

One of the neatest parts of the trip is driving from New Mexico to Colorado, and crossing Wolf Creek Pass. It's a HUGE mountain pass, and it was BEAUTIFUL this time of year. We saw so many different colors on the leaves, which is an amazing sight for us coming from Phoenix where we don't see too much change in the Fall.

Here is a picture (not ours) of the view from around the mid-point of the pass

Monday, September 26, 2011

Sign of the Week - "Leaf"

It's officially Fall! And even though here in Phoenix, we may not see too many leaves falling or changing colors, in honor of Fall or Autumn (however you'd like to call it), this week's sign is "LEAF"!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Sign of the Week - "Bicycle"

This weekend was my husband's first motocross race of the Fall season. My 19 month old son, AJ, has loved dirt bikes I'm pretty sure since he was still in my tummy. :) We've been taking him to races since he was just a few months old, and one of his most clear words that he says is "Bike". At the races this weekend, he kept saying "Bike! Vroooom! Bike! Vroooom!"

The sign of the week is "Bicycle" (Bike)

Monday, September 12, 2011

Sign of the Week - "Remember"

In honor of all of those effected by the 09/11 Tragedy, this week's Sign of the Week is "Remember"

It reminds me of the sign "Brother" - but rather than using your "L" handshapes - you use "thumbs up".

I couldn't get this video to embed into my blog - so please click on the link below to see how the sign is made.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Sign of the Week - "Rash"

I're wondering why in the wild world of sports (this is my husband's saying) would the Sign of the Week be "Rash"???

Well, it's because my 19 month old son, AJ, came down with the chickenpox last Saturday! He hadn't received his vaccination yet, and was exposed to it somewhere, and here we are.

We are in the final days of it, because it seems like it's already starting to clear up. And thank GOODNESS all of the girls had been immunized already, and didn't get it.

So, if you were ever wondering what the sign for "Rash" is...Here you go!
It's the sign for "Red" and then it shows the rash moving up your arm.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Sign of the Week - "Swim"

This week's sign is "Swim"!

Phoenix has been under an 'Excessive Heat Warning', so our kids have been spending a lot of time in our Pool!

The sign for "Swim" is an iconic sign - meaning that the sign looks like the word it is representing.

Happy Signing!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Sign of the Week - "Teacher"

Keeping with the Back To School theme, this week's sign is "Teacher"

This sign contains a concept called "the person sign".

This means, "the sign that you add to something when you want it to be a person." It is also called the "person affix" or sometimes the "agent affix." Regardless of what you call it, this sign is added to certain other signs to create a new concept of "a person who does."

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Sign of the Week - "School"


Since it is Back to School Time, I thought that it would be appropriate for this week's sign to be SCHOOL!

As of this year, I have a 9th grader, a 4th grader and a 2nd grader!! My how the time flies!

Hope everyone is having a great year so far!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Five Baby Sign Language Myths Dispelled

Great Article from!

If you are here on our website you are probably one of many parents, caregivers and educators aiming to learn and implement a baby sign language program for your child or children. You have probably already started and have spotted several friends and acquaintances at the playground or at church signing with their pre-verbal hearing babies.

On a daily basis we get a significant number of questions on our baby sign language Facebook many questions are straight forward and aimed at learning teaching methodology, figuring out what is the best timing and format and finding a supportive community. A few questions however are full of doubt and concern often rooted in misinformation and myths about early language development. Each time these questions arise we take the time to personally address each one knowing that each baby is unique and uniquely important.

Because we know you want the best for your child and you want to give them early communication tools to reduce frustration and increase bonding we want to share with you the most common myths you will face as an advocate of this communication system to appease your personal concerns and equip you with the right responses to advocate with family members, educators and friends that may not have a misconstrued understanding of this method of communication.

Myth #1:

Sign Language For Babies Delays Speech

Gesticulation is a natural and complimentary action to speech. Research has demonstrated that Baby Sign Language in fact accelerates the acquisition of oral skills. Babies exposed to sign language will often speak earlier than babies that have not received this type of learning stimulation.

Myth #2

Signing With your Baby is an Illusion of Well-Wishing Parents

Baby sign language often encounters a great deal of incredulity and disbelief. After all it is pretty special and almost miraculous to see a six-month-old baby express a need, want or feeling. However it is proven. Babies sign contextually and communicate pleasure and satisfaction once their need is met.

Myth #3

Baby Sign Language is Fad

The history of baby sign language is almost 100 years old. It has been proven, studied and applied in many cultural contexts always with very positive results in terms of accelerated communication and increased cognitive abilities. Gestural communication is inherent to human behavior. BSL is just a way to optimize its application to enhance the quality of life of infants and parents.

Myth #4

Baby Sign Language is not endorsed by Educational Institutions

More & more, early child development centers, Montessori schools and private caregivers are incorporating BSL to their chore curriculum. A high percentage of university-sponsored daycare centers have been using BSL with infants and toddlers since the 90’s. Most educators with a background in language acquisition consider BSL essential when it comes to early childhood education.

Myth #5

Teaching BSL Takes Too Much Time & Effort

Babies are little sponges. If used contextually and consistently baby sign language will require little effort and will yield quick results. Six to nine old-month babies often learn a sign within two weeks of introduction.

We know these questions will come up again and again as we raise new generations of babies. Please feel free to share this link in your blog, website and with friends and family via email and let them know we are here to provide support, guidance and clarification in all matters related to baby sign language

Monday, March 7, 2011

Yummy with a Capital "Y"

Here's a great article from the My Smart Hands Founder and President, Laura Berg!

Tonight was girls cooking night in my house and my daughter decided we should make ‘Cauliflower Pie’ for dinner. This is a yummy dish that my mom used to make! Then she says to me, “Mom, we should teach Hartford (her little brother) the sign for ‘cauliflower’… how do you sign cauliflower??” I told her that it was fingerspelled but we could just say, “cauliflower starts with ‘c’ and show him the sign for the letter c” She thought that was a way better idea than teaching him how to fingerspell c-a-u-l-i-f-l-o-w-e-r

So for this post, I am going to show you the sign for the letter ‘c’

I am also going to share my YUMMY cauliflower recipe with you!

“Cauliflower Pie”

1/3 cups butter
4 cups bread crumbs
1 small cauliflower
1 small onion
2 eggs beaten
1/2 cups flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup milk
2 cups shredded cheese (I use mild cheddar but it’s really your choice of taste)

1. Melt butter in a large frying pan. Add breadcrumbs and stir until golden brown. **I normally use 1/2 cup as I like my crust more firm. Use 3/4 for the pie and save some for the top. **I usually make two smaller pies and freeze one.

2. cook cauliflower and onion until tender. Mash to make 2 cups

3. Smoothly combine eggs, flour and salt; gradually stir in milk.

4. Add cheese and cauliflower to milk mixture. Mix together

5. Bake in preheated 350 over for 35-40 min or until set and light brown.

**You could also add brocoli or carrots or meat or anything you like. This is a huge hit with kids.

I hope you enjoy as much as my family does!!

Founder and President
My Smart Hands, ‘educating young minds’

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Sign of the Week: Kids get hurt, Parents Have to Deal

Nice post from Laura Berg - Founder and President of My Smart Hands. Click Here to see the sign for Hurt

When I became a mom I realized the hurt you can experience when the child you love is sick or injured. It breaks my heart every time one of my children are sick or hurt. I wish that I could take all of their pain on myself so that they didn’t have to experience any discomfort in their lives. I am not looking forward to the broken heart of my future teenage daughter but that is for another post!

It being Winter now we have been getting a lot of colds and sicknesses in our house. This week the sign for ‘hurt’ came back to my five year old daughter when she couldn’t talk because she was trying not to throw up and she quickly signed ‘hurt’ in front of her stomach. I knew, with just that one sign, that her stomach was sore and she wanted me to rub it. She couldn’t talk at that time and request a tummy rub or she would have lost her lunch. I was able to know what she wanted and gently comfort her by rubbing her belly. The ‘thank you’ look in her eyes made my heart break for her and made me even more thankful that I taught her sign language at an early age!

Some parents don’t feel the need to teach the sign ‘hurt’. They feel that their child will simply point at what is ‘ouchie’. I thought this too but was really glad that I showed her hurt anyway. The first time that the sign ‘hurt’ really came in useful was when my daughter was about 11 months old. My daughter loved going bare feet in the summer, she hated shoes. When the weather started to turn cold it was always a battle to have her put her shoes and socks on. One day I was running late and quickly getting her dressed to get out the door. It was October and rather cold out. I put her socks on and was trying to put her shoes on when she started crying and fighting me. I was so stressed and mad because I was now late and fighting with an 11 month old over shoes! I won the fight and got her shoe on. Just as I was putting her other shoe on she looked up at me with tears in her eyes and signed ‘hurt’ over her toe. She had been pointing and pulling at her shoe but I though she just didn’t want her shoe on. At that point I took her shoe and sock off only to find a tiny little rock caught in her toe. It was clearly hurting her and I would have had no idea if it wasn’t for one little sign! It was for that reason that I was grateful that I taught her the sign for ‘hurt’. I never would have imagined that 4 years later that little sign would have been remembered and utilized by a sick little girl.

Signing is useful in so many ways, you just never know!

Laura Berg
Founder and President
My Smart Hands Inc, ‘educating young minds’