Monday, November 28, 2011

Sign of the Week - "Finished"

Since last week's sign was "Eat"...I thought the perfect follow up sign would be "Finished".

I taught this sign to my kiddos to let me know when they were all done eating. And I actually used the words "All Done" rather than 'finished' - it just seemed easier to understand. But just to clarify, this is the ASL sign for 'Finished'.

Just like we Eat every day, we also 'Finish' eating - so this is another word/sign that you can use with your children multiple times a day - at regular meal times, and snack times. You can also use it during play time - when you are wrapping up an activity, or you've just finished picking up all the toys.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Sign of the Week - "Eat"

Getting back to an Everyday Sign again this week.

We all eat several times a day - so this is a really great sign to teach your child, because you will use it multiple times each and every day. Repetition is key when learning any new skill, and the same goes for signing.

Before you are getting ready to feed your child, ask them if they would like to "Eat" and also make the sign. Remember to always SAY the word as well as SIGN the word. We are encouraging our children to speak, so we definitely want to make sure they are also hearing the word being spoken.

After you sit them down for a meal or a snack, say "Okay, it's time to eat" (again say and sign the word).

Some time during the meal, say "We are eating!" (say & sign).

In just one meal/snack time they will have heard the work being spoken, and will have seen the sign being made, at least THREE times.

Happy Signing!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Sign of the Week - "Sing"

Kids sure love to sing don't they?

My kids have all loved to sing from the time they were very little. Whether it's a favorite song on the radio, a song from a cartoon they like, or their favorite - songs they make up themselves!!

As my youngest child, AJ, who is almost 2 year old - has started to find his voice, making up his own little songs. One of his favorite ones that he started singing this summer was a tune that goes "Ooooo Day Toooooo" (we think it might be his own version of happy birthday to you - but don't really know for sure...haha!)

Today's sign is SING

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Sign of the Week - "Cold"

Cold temperatures have FINALLY hit Arizona (which for us means highs in the 60's - ha)! It seemed like the hot weather was never going to end, and then this week BAM! I had to bring down the tubs of winter clothes from my children's closet!

So I thought this would be the perfect week to introduce the sign for "Cold".

It's just like you are shivering!