Monday, January 4, 2010

Sign of the Week - Dog!

Happy New Year! Hope everyone is doing well and setting those 2010 Goals! :)

For January, I thought I would start with the theme of "Animals". My daughter, Audra, loved to learn the Animal signs when we first started signing with her. And even at 23 months, she loves to learn new Animal signs.

I'll start with one of the basics, which is "Dog". There are two ways to sign "Dog" - you can either just pat your leg, or you can pat your leg and then snap your finger (like you are calling a dog). Most babies will just pat their leg.

We don't have a dog in our house, but I would love when I would take Audra for a walk and she would hear a dog and make the sign. It was wonderful to communicate with her so early, it was as though she was asking me "Do you hear the dog, mommy?" - rather than just making a noise and me not understanding what she was trying to tell me.

Happy Signing!

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